As we opened the first pages of Ephesians, we were taken into a long run on sentence of flowing praise to God. In it, Paul teaching us critical understandings of who we are in Christ.
Looking from afar, it’s possible to hear what he says as interesting but so what? The truths stated a far cry from where we do life. How on earth does knowing this put money in my bank account so I can look after my family; how does it give me a clearer understanding of where I’m to live or what I’m to do and what on earth does it have to say about the lab report I just got from my doctor? Those are the things with which I struggle. Where life is real. Where life bends and sometimes breaks. In short, Paul – this may be great pastor talk but what’s the application to my life?
從遠處來看,這些話很有趣,但又與我們的生活有什麼關係?這些真理與我們的生活現實相差甚遠。知 道這些如何幫助我在銀行裡存錢,以便養家?如何讓我更清楚地了解應該住在哪裡或做什麼工作?它對 我剛從醫生那裡得到的檢驗報告有什麼幫助嗎?這些才是真實的生活中我所面對的掙扎之處,是左右為 難甚至顛覆的地方。簡而言之,保羅老師 - 這可能是很棒的教導,但對我的生活有什麼應用呢?
Glad you asked, because I’m confident Paul would argue that it has everything to do with our lives because what he speaks to addresses the very core of our life. These truths if grasped, shape how we do life, how we do relationships and whether life works or falls woefully short. Shortly, Paul will get very practical in pages soon to come but without embracing what he says in these opening chapters, life will get fouled up because our actions will be reduced to principles of how best to live without the power to live out those principles.
In short, Paul writes in the 1st three chapters to put the truth IN, pray the truth ON and then in 4 & 5, live the truth OUT.
:15 having heard of: the faith in the Lord Jesus which exists among you 1:15 聽聞:你們信從主耶穌
As reminder, Paul pens this letter from a Roman prison not some away from the battle retreat center. Years earlier, he invested in the lives of the Ephesians, doing so despite tremendous opposition. This city of great importance and wealth centered around the worship of Artemis Diana the goddess of fertility. It was a goddess they ‘worshipped’ with over a 1000 temple prostitutes. The wealth they enjoyed and the success they pursued as the Greeks believed, came only as Artemis blessed. Such was her stature that the Great Temple of Diana was one of the 7 Wonders of the World. Alongside her a multitude of other gods worshipped, a major one declaring, kýrios Kaisar - Caesar is Lord.
保羅寫這封信時身處羅馬的監獄,而不是在某個遠離戰場的休養中心。幾年前,他投入以弗所的信徒生 命中,儘管遭遇了強大的反對。切記這個城市重要且富有,並為崇拜生育女神阿耳忒弥斯(黛安娜)的 中心。廟妓就超過了一千名來“崇拜”這位女神。希臘人相信,他們所享受的財富和追求的成功,只有在 阿耳忒弥斯的祝福下才能實現。她的地位如此崇高,以至於黛安娜神廟成為世界七大奇蹟之一。與她同 時,還有許多其他神明受到崇拜,其中一個主要的宣稱是「凱撒是主」。
But as Paul writes, he is now encouraged that the believers who came to faith under his ministry are only bowing to - Kýrios Iēsoûs– Jesus is Lord. Earlier Paul in prison wondering had his investments with the Ephesians had been worth it. Had it made a difference? Had they held true to what he had taught?
More often than not, we aren’t given a window on the impact our lives make. We just parent as best we know how. We just serve in the market place with faithfulness. We just come alongside that person others ignore. We just bend down to a child others don’t even see.
Quiet encouragers living out Kýrios Iēsoûs being watched by a Father whose pleasure is determined by faithfulness not impact. The Lord using our faithfulness in ways we do not see.
Paul is also encouraged because he hears that despite immense pressure, faith is being lived out in ways that go beyond just holding strong. The witness of their faith is more than gritted teeth and deeply planted feet. He is so encouraged by:
: the love you have for one another :15
活出“主耶穌”的生命的靜默的激勵者,盡在父神的注視下,祂的喜悅取決於忠心,而非影響力。主使用 我們的忠心來達成我們看不見的事。保羅聽到,在巨大壓力下,信仰不僅僅只是堅持下去,更有豐富的 見證,這讓他備受鼓舞。他特別為他們彼此之間的愛感到欣慰 (15 節)。
Attractive faith. Other centered faith. Lived out faith. The litmus test of faith isn’t limited to how we stand in the end at some future time. The litmus test is how well we live in the here and now. That love was something their enemies could not understand and could not defeat. Jesus Himself said, By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another John 13:35
有吸引力的信仰,以他人為中心的信仰,是活的信仰。信仰的試金石不僅限於未來我們如何站立,而在 於我們如何在當下生活。這種愛是敵人無法理解、無法戰勝的。正如耶穌親自說過的,[你們若有彼此 相愛的心,眾人因此就認出你們是我的門徒了。](約翰福音 13:35)
It’s love that looks past:
violations instead choosing to value
failures instead choosing the better still to come the blemishes to see the beauty
And the result? a spirit of thankfulness that takes over and shapes our lives as well No wonder Paul could say, I don’t cease giving thanks. :16
結果是一種感恩的精神接管並塑造我們的生活。因此,保羅才能說:[不住地感謝神。] (16 節)
One of the best known verses in the Bible for Christians is John 3:16. For many, it is the verse that brought them to faith in Jesus. But John’s other 3:16 verse, 1 John, shows us how this faith is to be worn, “We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren”.
約翰福音 3:16 對基督徒來說是最著名的經文之一,很多人正是因這節經文而信主。但約翰一書 3:16 則 告訴我們這種信仰應如何體現:[主為我們捨命,我們從此就知道何為愛;我們也當為弟兄捨命。]
So, because of that faithfulness and because of that love, “We don’t cease to pray for them” – ‘them’ in God’s family who are different from us - those who are louder, those who are more opinionated, those who are more showy - members of God’s family who fail and disappoint – just like we do – yet who are chosen, predestined, loved, sealed, blessed and recipients of every blessing in the heavenlies.
正是因為這忠心和愛,我們“不住地為他們禱告” - 為神家中的人禱告,他們可能和我們不同 - 那些聲音 更大、意見更強、表現更突出的人;那些像我們一樣失敗和令人失望的人 - 但他們也是被揀選、預 定、被愛、受印記、蒙福並承受天上各樣福氣的人。
:17 Paul seems to suggest that our revelation of the wisdom and knowledge of God is linked to our choice to love ALL God’s people :15, giving thanks for one another. Which means, people who actively forgive one another, Preferring one another in love Rom 12:10 In this place God, the Father of Glory, reveals His glory.
This also is to say that when we speak wrongly of one another, we are doing damage to the body of Christ – to others, yes but also to ourselves.
保羅似乎在 17 節暗示,我們對神的智慧和知識的啟示與我們選擇愛所有神的子民有關 (15 節),即彼此 感恩。這意味著那些積極饒恕彼此、在愛中彼此尊重的人 (羅馬書 12:10),在這個地方,榮耀的父神顯示 祂的榮耀。同樣,當我們錯誤地說論他人時,我們損害基督的身體 - 不僅是他人,也包括我們自己。
But Paul understands our commitment to live in ways that please Christ can waver and actions can fail – unless they are sustained from the center of who we are.
然而保羅理解我們立志取悅基督的生活方式會動搖,行動可能會失敗 - 除非這是由我們內心的核心支撐。
:18 Paul says, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened.
保羅說:我禱告,[照明你們心中的眼睛]。 (18 節)
When Scripture refers to the “heart”, it is referring to “the real you,” the place inside where life decisions are made - the values we live by, the directions we go, the decisions we make. Every important decision we make is made by our heart. And our heart has eyes that can be opened or shut. The biblical understanding of the heart is that it is the core of our lives – body, soul and spirit. It is the place of our mind and our will. BUT make no mistake, it is the center of our emotion – our passion.
聖經所說的“心”指的是“真正的你”,那是做出生命決定之處 - 我們生活的價值觀、選擇的方向、做出的 決定。每一個重要的決定都是心裡做的。而我們的心有眼睛,這些眼睛可以被打開或關閉。聖經理解的 心是我們生命的核心 - 身、魂、靈。它也是我們思想和意志的所在。但毫無疑問,它是情感的中心 - 我們的熱情。
Some of us here this morning have hearts that have been closed off. Sure, still going through the motions - doing the right thing, saying the right words, meeting the right expectations but with hearts that are robotically dead.
今天早上在座的有些人可能有封閉的心。當然,還在走過場 - 做對的事、說對的話、達到別人的期 望,但心卻像機械般死寂。
The closing off process in many cases understandable – broken dreams and broken hopes; prayers not answered as hoped; injustices that have never been made right. Disappointments taking up residence until slowly, imperceptibly life became emotionless; passionless; joyless.
封閉的過程在很多情況下是可以理解的 - 破碎的夢想和希望;未能如願的禱告;未被公正處理的不公 正。失望漸漸在心裡扎根,直到不知不覺中,生活變得沒有情感、沒有熱情、沒有喜樂。
But Paul’s prayer gives hope that all this can change. He prays for an enlightened heart; a soft heart, a willing heart, a bowing heart.
That word enlightened is interesting because it has so many shades of meaning. So many pictures God uses to open us so we can experience love again. He knows that it’s risky to open up a heart that’s been closed off but He also knows that it’s the only place where joy is found.
那個“啟迪”的詞很有意思,因為它有很多含義。神用許多圖像來打開我們的心,讓我們能再次體驗愛。 祂知道打開已封閉的心是有風險的,但祂也知道那是找到喜樂的唯一地方。
An En lightened heart – where the things that weigh down are lifted OFF.En lightened heart – where light shines IN, darkness is put out.En lightened heart – where light shines ON and with it, revelation – seeing what we have not seen and embracing what we have not known.AND an en lightened heart where God’s Glory streams IN and transformation radiates OUT - His Truth, His Love and His PeaceAn enlightened heart, where we are FREE to embrace who God has called you to be, more importantly, who God’s declared you to be.
一顆被啟迪的心 - 沉重的負擔被移除。啟迪的心 - 光照進來,黑暗被驅散。啟迪的心 - 光照在上,帶來啟示 - 看到我們未曾看到的,擁抱我們未曾認識的。 並且,啟迪的心讓神的榮耀湧入,變革從中散發出來 - 祂的真理、祂的愛和祂的平安。 一顆被啟迪的心,讓我們自由地擁抱神對我們的呼召,更重要的是,擁抱神對我們的宣告。
May your heart be enlightened SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW:
第一, 祂的呼召的盼望:
You are a called person. Your identity is found in Him and your purpose is found in Him. The place He has put you is chosen by Him. The things He has called you to do have been fashioned by Him. A calling that is uniquely held by you. A calling He determined before the foundation of the world. As Ephesians 2:10 reminds, We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. In 1 Corinthians we’re told, Each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that, ... given for the common good 1 Cor 7:7.12:7.
你是一個被呼召的人。你的身份在祂裡面,你的目的是在祂裡面。祂選擇你所在的位置,祂呼召你去做 的事都是祂精心安排的。這呼召是你獨有的,是祂在創立世界之前就定下的。正如以弗所書 2:10 提醒 我們,[我們原是他的工作,在基督耶穌裡造成的,為要叫我們行善,就是神所預備叫我們行的。]在哥 林多前書裡我們被告知:[各人領受神的恩賜,一個是這樣,一個是那樣......是叫人得益處。] (哥林多前 書 7:7,12:7)
Sadly, most of us fail to believe this. Instead we are like bench warmers sitting on the sidelines, laughing and exchanging jokes while the game is going on. The only expectation we ever had was to wear the uni and attend the photo shoots. But as for making it on the field, we excuse - there are far more who are game ready and game
skilled than me. I’m not good with words or gifted in how to fix things. I don’t have the right words to say.
遺憾的是,大多數人不相信這一點。相反,我們像是坐在場邊的板凳球員,在比賽進行時開玩笑、聊 天,唯一的期待就是穿上球衣參加合影。但說到上場,我們卻找藉口 - 比我準備得更好和技術更好的 人多的是。我不擅長說話或修理東西。沒有合適的話語。
And with these disqualifiers, we’ve reduced our identity as a Christ follower to be uniformed and on the bench when we’ve been created to be in the game as Christ’s called ones. ‘Uni’d’ as a carpenter, a student, a neighbour, a teacher, a receptionist - His person in that place.
用這些自我否定的理由,我們將自己作為基督徒的身份降格為穿球衣坐在板凳上,而不是被創造為參與 比賽的人。被“穿上”成為木匠、學生、鄰居、老師、接待員 - 神在那個地方的代表。
But once the eyes of our hearts are opened, the light of God’s truth comes flooding in and we’ll never look at anything the same way again.
The Hope of His calling brings us back to what Paul outlined in Eph 1:3-14 to see who you are:
Blessed with every spiritual blessing Chosen IN ChristPredestined to be Adopted as sons Recipients of His grace
Redeemed through His blood Forgiven of sin
祂的呼召的盼望讓我們回到保羅在以弗所書 1:3- 14 中所列出的,看看你是誰:
:3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :7
Recipient of wisdom and understanding :8 Gifted by having God’s plan made known to us :9-10 Chosen and predestined by God :11 Included in Christ :13 Sealed by the Holy Spirit :13 Given the earnest (security deposit) of the Spirit:14
3節 4節 5節 6節 7節
7節 8節 9-10 節 11 節 13 節 13 節 14 節
Not theological truth that applies to all, the permanent possession of every child of God BUT the truth about YOU! This isn’t some fishing dragnet where you got caught up with a whole bunch of others - It’s how God sees YOU! Let that sink in. From before the foundation of the world, YOU were CHOSEN of GOD, YOU were predestined to be adopted as His son, as His daughter. YOU were predestined to be the recipient of His Grace. YOU! As you student, as you do the 9-5, as you parent young kids.
Listen, as I said 2 weeks back, two things are true though they seem opposite of each other – God chose you through the blood of Christ to be His child - TRUE! And you cannot be a child of God without choosing Christ – TRUE! OPPOSITE but true. Let me give you another opposite to ponder, in Ephesians writes, it’s all about CHRIST – everything we have and everything we are – CHRIST. We are nothing and He is everything. But His PLAN is about YOU! He became nothing so YOU would become everything!
聽著,就像我兩週前所說的,儘管這看似矛盾,兩件事卻都是真實的 - 神藉著基督的血揀選你成為祂 的兒女 - 這是真的!而且,你必須選擇基督才能成為神的兒女 - 這也是真的!這兩件看似對立的事情 卻都是真實的。讓我給你一個值得深思的對立面,保羅在以弗所書裡寫道,一切都關乎基督 - 我們所 有的一切和我們本身的一切 - 都歸於基督。我們算不了什麼,但祂就是一切。然而,祂的計劃是關乎 你的!祂變得一無所有,為的是讓你成為萬有!
Steph Curry - I remember like it was yesterday, the day I gave my life to Christ. I was in fourth grade, and I recall hearing and understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ and walking down the aisle to give my life to Him. My parents continued to pour into my faith from that point on, making sure I understood the commitment I'd just made."
"God's given me talents to play basketball for a living, but I still have to work hard to improve every day. I know that in the grand scheme of things, this is just a game that can be taken from me at any moment. But I love that basketball gives me the opportunities to do good things for people and to point them towards the Man who died for our sins on the cross. I know I have a place in heaven waiting for me because of Him, and that's something no earthly prize or trophy could ever top. There's more to me than just this jersey I wear, and that's Christ living inside of me.
籃球名將斯蒂芬·庫里:[我記得就像昨天一樣,當我把生命獻給基督的那一天。我那時在四年級,記得聽 到並明白了耶穌基督的福音,然後走到台前,把生命交給祂。從那時起,我的父母繼續在我的信仰中灌 輸教導,確保我理解剛做出的承諾。 神賜給我打籃球的才華,讓我以此為生,但我仍然需要每天努力提高。我知道從大局來看,這只是一場 可以隨時被奪走的比賽。但我喜歡籃球能給我機會去為他人做有益的事,並引導他們認識那位在十字架 上為我們的罪捨命的人。我知道因著祂,我在天堂有一個位置等著我,而這是任何地上的獎品或獎盃都 無法比擬的。我不僅僅是身穿這件球衣的人,基督在我裡面活著。]
May your heart be enlightened SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW: THE HOPE OF HIS CALLING 願你們的心眼被啟開,使你們知道: 祂呼召的盼望

第二, 祂在聖徒中榮耀的基業豐盛
Notice, this doesn’t say, an inheritance for the saints. Lots of places in Scripture tell us that - that there is an inheritance awaiting for those who have put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ but here Paul isn’t saying that. Here he says,
HIS inheritance IN the saints Here’s the thing – WE are Christ’s inheritance
[祂在聖徒中榮耀的基業] 事情是這樣的 - 我們就是基督的基業。
In the past, the Canucks spent years in mediocrity which brought them to the NHL draft table waiting to select a franchise player who would turn their fortunes around. All dependent on how ping pong balls would fall to determine their place in the selection process. But without fail, those ping pong balls never fell as the Canucks hoped, their draft position always lower than wanted. The ‘inheritance’ less than stellar and in response Canuck nation was despondent.
過去,加拿大人隊(Canucks)在多年來一直處於平庸的狀態,這讓他們來到 NHL 的選秀桌前,等待挑選 能扭轉他們命運的特許球員。這完全取決於數字球的掉落順序,來決定他們在選秀中的位置。然而,無 一例外,這些球總是不按預期掉落,加拿大人隊的選秀位置總是比他們希望的要低。基業不如預期,加 拿大人隊民眾因此陷入失望。
But if you want to know what despondency really is, let me give you a heavenly scenario: Jesus, you know how You and I made the heavens and the earth. How we threw constellations into the skies and filled ocean depths with creatures not yet seen. Mysterious and mighty. Majestically large and microscopically small. And the animals? those that caused us to laugh – the aardvark and platypus and the proboscis monkey. Then there’s the sublime - the eagle that soars and the lion that prowls. Remember?
但是,如果你想知道什麼是真正的失望,讓我給你一個天上的場景:耶穌,你知道你和我是如何創造天 地的。我們如何把星座拋入天空,並用未曾見過的生物充滿海洋深處。既神秘又強大。既宏大壯觀又微 小精妙。還有那些讓我們開懷大笑的動物 - 土豚、鴨嘴獸和長鼻猴。還有那些莊嚴的生物 - 展翅高飛 的鷹和悄然潛行的獅子。還記得嗎?
Well bearing that in mind – Jesus, it’s inheritance time – kept just for you, designed just for you, crafted just for you, and here it is – Rob and Joanne! So what do you think? - How’d we do?
好吧,考慮到這一切 - 耶穌,現在談談基業吧 - 為你所準備的,為你設計的,為你精心打造的基業, 而這就是 - 羅伯和喬安妮!那麼你覺得怎麼樣?我們做得如何?
Really? And the Lord’s reaction? - GREAT JOY! Everyone You’ve given is glorious. Father, all the ones designed for My kingdom reign, my inheritance, loved, treasured, kept.
真的嗎?主的反應是? - 極大的喜樂!你給我的每一個人都是榮耀的。父啊,所有為我的國度統治所
Everyone! Father, I didn’t lose one. All the ones reserved for me, kept for what’s ahead.
Take a look around, as you look, you are surrounded by the riches of the glory of His inheritance. We are saint surrounded!
Sometimes we saints may not look like much. Time and again we don’t act like much BUT just you wait who we will be once we wear the full glory that’s intended for us. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM; for we shall see Him as He is. 1 John 3:2
有時候我們這些聖徒看起來不怎麼樣。一次又一次,我們的行為也不怎麼樣,但請等著看當我們穿上為 我們預備的全部榮耀時會是怎樣的光景。[親愛的弟兄啊,我們現在是神的兒女,將來如何,還未顯 明,但我們知道,主若顯現,我們必要像他、因為必得見他的真體。](約翰一書 3:2)
SO, as Christ’s inheritance, start living according to the God given value you have and according to the purpose you have been given! But don’t stop there, start living out the value God has placed in the other members of His inheritance. Can there be any greater purpose than this – to live in accordance with the value we have been given by God?
May your heart be enlightened SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW:THE HOPE OF HIS CALLING
祂在聖徒中榮耀的基業豐盛 第三,祂向我們這信的人所顯的能力是何等浩大 (以弗所書 1:19)
Paul uses different Greek words for power: dunamis (dynamite) the word from which we get “energy”, kratos meaning muscular strength and exusia meaning courageous power.
保羅使用了不同的希臘詞來形容能力:“dunamis”(動力),這個詞源自我們的“能量”;“kratos”意味著 肌肉力量和“exusia”意味著勇敢的力量。
HERE it is dunamis. God’s explosive power, sufficient for all we need to overcome fear, insecurity, inadequacy, weakness. God’s power wrapped up in Jesus. This is the power that exploded in Christ when He rose from the dead. If you know Him, you have the greatest power source in the universe living within you.
The story is told of Randolph Hearst, who at one point decided to invest in great pieces of art many of which he stored in various warehouses.
One day he read of an incredibly valuable piece of art, and determined that he had to have it. So he sent his agent all over the world to find it. Months later the man returned, Mr. Hearst I found it”. “Where, where was it?” “In your warehouse. You bought it years ago.
有一天,他讀到了有關一件極其珍貴的藝術品,決定必須擁有它。於是他派遣代理人到世界各地去尋 找。幾個月後,那個人回來了:“赫斯特先生,我找到了。” “在哪裡?在哪裡找到的?” “在你的倉庫 裡。你幾年前就買下了它。”
How much like us – failing to appropriate what we already possess.
我們就像這樣 - 未能運用我們已經擁有的。
As Paul writes, he doesn’t know what awaits but one thing is clear, he is possessed by God’s incomparably great power. Christ’s power that is above all - in heaven and on earth. Far above every realm – all rule and authority and dominion and every nation that is named and is to come Eph 1:21. His authority over every power, every authority, every realm.
正如保羅所寫的,他不知道將來會有什麼等待著,但有一件事是清楚的,他被神無可比擬的偉大能力所 擁有。基督的能力在天上和地上一切之上。超越每一個領域 - [一切執政的、掌權的、有能的、主治 的,和一切有名的;不但是今世的,連來世的也都超過了 ](以弗所書 1:21)。 祂在每一種權力、每一種權柄、每一個領域之上。
His power over the things that are before you and me today. His power over the spiritual forces of darkness who intend to destroy. You and I IN HIM meaning POWER given in His authority, His PRESENCE assuring that authority and His PEACE enacted in that authority. You - victorious in His authority. Ephesians 2:6 tells me, [God] raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
祂在你我今天所面對的事情之上。祂在那些意圖毀滅的黑暗勢力之上。你和我在祂裡面意味著以祂的權 柄賜予的能力,祂的同在保證了那權柄,祂的平安在那權柄中得以實現。你在祂的權柄中得勝。以弗所 書 2:6 告訴我們,“[神] 又叫我們與基督耶穌一同復活,一同坐在天上。”
So where Christ is, so too am I. It isn’t something that will one day be true of you, rather it is something that is true of you right now. This is resurrection power now. The power that took Jesus from death and put Him eternally in God’s presence, put us there too, and keeps us there.
So to remember what you have been given, one word – HIPHOPE, INHERITANCE, POWER
– all yours, all mine – waiting to be embraced by an enlightened heart. So to remember what you have been given, one word – HIP
所以,記得你已經被賜予: 希望(HOPE), 基業(INHERITANCE), 能力(POWER)- 全是你的,也是我的 - 等待著被心靈眼睛得啟示後所擁抱的。
所以要記住你所擁有的。希望, 基業, 能力(POWER)
